General Duties
- To ensure the smooth progression of competitors through the warm-up arenas to the Collecting Ring and into the Competition Arena
Critical Duties
- To ensure that proper schooling practices are in use
- To assist movement of competitors through warm-up areas in accordance with the predetermined schedule
- To be in contact with other stewards to coordinate warm-up activity
- To respond to any emergencies in the warm-up area; summoning the necessary assistance and notifying the appropriate people
- Experience is helpful but you can be trained on the job
- Comfort around horses
- Knowledge of USEF and/or FEI Rules for Eventing and Dressage
- Two-way radios, Clipboard, Order of Go
Difficulty of Work
- Physical Demands: Standing, walking, lifting, handling horses
- Working Conditions: Outdoors
General Duties
- To record the Dressage Judges’ marks and comments on the tests
Critical Duties
- Ensure each test has the correct competitor # and write a brief description of horse
- Ensure that the judge’s marks and comments are accurately and clearly recorded on each competitor’s dressage test
- Get to know your assigned judge before the competition and determine the procedures to be followed during the competition
- Make sure all necessary equipment for judging is available and in order before the start of the competition
- Scribes must have previous experience in scribing
- Scribe must be able to speak and understand the language of the Judge
- Legible handwriting
- Friendly, cooperative attitude
- Knowledge of USEF and/or FEI Rules for Eventing and Dressage
- Clipboards, Pen, Order of Go
Difficulty of Work
- Physical Demands; Sitting, standing
- Working Conditions: Outdoors
General Duties
- To collect score sheets from jump judges at each jump on the Cross-country course, and to deliver the score sheet to the scorers as quickly as possible
Critical Duties
- The Score Sheet Collector will start at the Start; pick up Start time sheets, following the course in jump order picking up score sheets from each jump judge and then finish with the Finish getting their Finish Time Sheets
- After collecting a full round of score sheets, they must be taken immediately to the scoring office
- If there is more than one Score Sheet Collector, the course can be broken down into areas where each Collector is responsible for certain jumps, Start and/or Finish
- Experience is helpful but can be trained on the job
- Be able to stay alert as to the horses running on course and not get in their way
- ATV or Golf-cart, weatherproof pouch
Difficulty of Work
- Physical Demands: Must be able to handle vehicle in any kind of weather and over varied terrain
- Working Conditions: Outdoors
General Duties
- To ensure that the finishing time of each competitor at the end of cross-country is properly recorded
Critical Duties
- To monitor the timing equipment and to notify Control of any problems
- To manually record the finishing time of every competitor on the Time Sheets
- To report to Timing Control of any problems occurring at the Finish
- Experience with Timing Equipment is helpful be can be trained on the job
- Timing Equipment, two-way radio
Difficulty of Work
- Physical Demands: Walking, standing
- Working Conditions: Outdoors
General Duties
- There will be one or two Judges at each jump on cross-country course and they will be responsible to assess penalties at jumps, to respond properly and promptly in the case of emergency, and to ensure that the area around the jump is clear when each competitor approaches
Critical Duties
- To assess jumping penalties by marking the score sheets provided
- To report the happening and result for each competitor at your jump by radio, if your jump is assigned a radio
- Call the Repair Crew personnel if repairs are needed of the jump or of the footing
- In the event of a fall with injury, contact Control and request for the assistance of the appropriate emergency response team and offer assistance to horse and rider until additional help arrives – Don‟t put down your radio, Control needs to talk to you
- In the event of a fall without injury you can assist the competitor to remount
- If the obstacle cannot be jumped by the next competitor, for any reason, contact Control and request a Hold on course
- Perform Crowd Control by keeping spectators and others away from the area around the obstacle when a competitor is approaching
- To stop a competitor before the obstacle if Control asks you to and keep their hold time
- You can do this job without prior experience and get on the job training
- You will receive a briefing by an Event Official
- The ability to remain calm in emergencies is essential
- Radio, Stopwatch, Flag, Clipboard with score sheets and information
Difficulty of Work
- Physical Demands: Sitting, walking, standing, possibility of handling horses
- Working Conditions: Outdoors
General Duties
- To start each competitor on cross-country at the scheduled starting time and in accordance with the USEF and/or FEI Rules for Horse Trials and Three Day Events
Critical Duties
- This task if best with a team of two one being the Chief Starter and the other their assistant
- The Chief Starter will call the competitor to the Start, giving first a three, then a two minute warning down to one minute, 30 seconds, 10 second and then count down from 5 seconds to say GO and good luck
- At one minute the Starter will summon the Competitor to the start box and commence to count down, in unison with the official Start Clock giving the “GO” to start the horse at the exact time that the scheduled start time shows on the clock
- It is not required that the competitor enter the start box at this time as they may move around freely outside the start box but must enter in time to halt before starting
- The Assistant Starter will notify the next rider of the three-minute and two minute warnings and follow procedures outlined in steps #3 and #4
- The Starters will monitor the operation of the Primary Timing system as well as the back-up timing system summon assistance if there is a problem
- The Starters will record on the Time Sheets the exact starting time of each competitor on Cross-country.
- To initiate a Hold on course, Control will radio the Start asking, „Please hold the Start”; Restart only when Control gives you the OK to do so
- If a competitor is late at the finish of any previous phase, the Starter will be notified by Control of the rescheduled starting time on Cross-country of that Competitor
- If a Competitor arrives late at the Start, he/she may be allowed to start when ready as long as this does not interfere with any subsequent competitor but their Start Time will be recorded as if he/she had started on their scheduled time
- Experience with the timing equipment and managing the start is helpful
- Some knowledge of USEF and/or FEI rules for Cross-country for Horse Trials and Three-Day Eventing
- Comfort around horses
- Timing equipment and Two-way radio
Difficulty of Work
- Physical Demands: Walking, standing
- Working Conditions: Outdoors
General Duties
- To ensure the smooth progression of competitors through the warm-up arenas to the Collecting Ring
Critical Duties
- To ensure that proper schooling practices are in use
- To assist movement of competitors through warm-up areas according to schedule
- Coordinating with Organizer for decoration of jumps
- To be in contact with other stewards and in-gate to coordinate warm-up activity
- To respond to any emergencies in the warm-up area – summoning the necessary assistance and notifying the appropriate people
- Experience is helpful but can be trained on the job
- Comfortable around horses
- Nice but firm personality that will ensure competitors stick to the schedule
Difficulty of Work
- Physical Demands: Standing, walking, lifting poles, handling horses
- Working Conditions: Outdoors
General Duties
- To set and to reset the jumps for the Show Jumping Phase
Critical Duties
- To set up the jumps for the Show Jumping Phase
- To reset any jumps knocked down during the competition
- Keep the footing in good repair
- Experience is helpful but can be trained on the job
- Tractor & Flatbed trailer, Measuring sticks, Hammer & nails, Screw Driver, Touch-up paint, Rakes and Tractor and Drag
Difficulty of Work
- Physical Demands: Walking, heavy lifting, using tools, driving
- Working Conditions: Outdoors