
Rocking Horse Stables offers schooling in all 3-phases: Dressage, stadium and cross country. Open for schooling by appointment only.  Please request an appointment through our Facebook page.  Confirmation of a signed waiver for each person entering the property, current negative Coggins for each horse and electronic payment are required prior to appointment approval.  All schoolers use LOWER ENTRANCE via LAKE DORR ROAD and park near Pavilion. Restrooms located in Pavilion. 



Three permanent dressage rings available to choose from measuring both 40 and 60 meters.



Two stadium rings available to choose from. One warm-up ring and one full course ring. Both are fenced.

Cross Country


Tadpole through Training level jumps available year round with various ditches, banks and water complexes.

All 3 Phases


A huge discount to anyone looking to school the entire property all in one day. Definitely gives riders and horses a competitive edge!
Stalls per Day $35
All riders MUST wear a certified helmet at all times.
Vest and medical armband required while schooling cross country.
Request an appointment through our Facebook page.
Current Coggins for any horse entering the property must be emailed in advance to
Any person entering the property must sign a waiver in advance.
Electronic payment via Venmo must be confirmed in advance.

All schoolers use LOWER ENTRANCE via LAKE DORR ROAD and park by the Pavilion (first building on left as you enter.)

Restrooms located in the Pavilion.